Monday, November 22, 2010

22nd November 2010

I still seem to be having odd dreams, but I always forget the major storyline(if you could call it that) to them. Two nights ago I had a dream that consisted of 5 different dreams, since I woke up, went back to sleep, woke up, went back to sleep. etc. I was sleeping on the couch. Worst place ever to sleep.
I was walking around the next day with terrible back pains, guh. My room was so depressing though. I had Mt Tissue next to my bed that never seems to go away, and my floor was covered in clothes and books. All clean now though. Need to put new photos up to fill the gaps of old photos, and maybe some art to help inspire.

ANYWAY, seems strange that I have only just got around to writting about my dream from last night minutes before going to bed, but whatev.
I had a pregger dream again, most likely because I was around Willow yesterday <3
But it isnt the first baby dream I've had recently. Pretty sure I want to be a mum, more than anything in the world rightnow. Kinda been denied of that though.
The dream consisted of talking about getting pregnant, being pregnant, then suddenly having a 3 month old who i was teaching to speak. Though I was contemplating letting the child call the father(who will remain nameless) "dad", or even letting the father in the childs life at all. So dramatic for a dream. But it all sort of had a happy ending. At least the father loved the mother. And then I woke up to Donna. Nice.
Bur I'm starting to hate these dreams that make me want to sleep forever. It makes every morning a thundering crash to reality, and how irritating life is.
I've been so apathetic today. That is all.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dream log! 12-11-10

I am happy to announce that I will start putting this blog back into action by using it as a dream log :P for the dreams I remember at least.
I will include as much detail as possible, since I doubt many people would read it all anyway :P
So this is life so far: Newly single, Finished school, and one exam left. GASPP.
I think all of this hasn't fully sunk in yet, which would explain why my dreams have been so odd lately...

I will start with last nights dream.
I only vaguely remember it because it is now 5:30, but whatever.
Im not very sure why, or how, but for some reason Mrs Cooper was doing my nails. She painted them green, and filed them, and told me "That'll be $130," and I freaked.
apparently I didnt have to pay all of it though, I totally forget why. But I think I got my nails done for the formal.. (maybe the nails were meant to match my hair?)
Then the scene moved to my house, and I was in my room studying maths. Obviously my mind hasnt fully realised that I wont ever be studying for maths again ;)
Sam was over, no idea why, but he was sitting in the loundroom as I studied, getting molested by my dog. It hit midnight and I decided it was about time sam went home, and I got attacked by bull ants. I recall it hurting in my dream, which is very strange. But either way, I walked out my door, and then and I woke up.

Anyone wonna creat an interpretation? haha.

Trust me when I say this, there have been stranger dreams. For example, Mrs Rivera becomming the principle of a highschool, excluding her media and VCD year 12s, and then suddenly turning into a zombie apocalypse, where I'm dressed as a zombie for camoflague with my pet zombie golden retriever. Loverly.